Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Day at Nature's Classroom by Adriana D' Orazio

Today was super crazy at Lisha Kill Middle School. This was the day that we were leaving for Nature's Classroom. The tennis courts were filled with book bags, sleeping bags and luggage bags. Everyone is super excited and cant stop talking. When the buses got here all of the students screamed with joy. All eyes were glared out the windows.

When we got on the buses everything was out of control. Nobody knew who to sit with or where to go nor what to do. But overall the bus ride was great, we watched Madagascar 2, which was pretty funny. Except one of the t.vs broke so it was kind of hard for some people to see.When we got here, we went straight to our first meal,lunch. It was very crazy in the dining hall. Our ort today was 5lbs for lunch, which wasn't so bad considering it was our first time. Later on after we met up with our field groups and played games and activities like listening to the sounds. But we were not so happy because our next meal was coming closer than you think, dinner.

Dinner time was spectacular. We had tacos! But the bad part was ort. We had 10 lbs. worth of ort. But after we ate our main meal we had a dessert, popsicles! Which was pretty good. We had entertainment after all the eating, the waitrons had to perform a song and dance in front of us. And which I don't think they very much enjoyed.

After dinner we went back to our field groups and went on the craziest night adventure, the night hike. What we did was go throughout the woods and would stay silent so we could here the different noises like the wind and animals. After that we went in a nice, dry spot and had to lay down and look up at the stars and had to make a wish. In my field group we all seen the Big Dipper!

So when that was done we all got back to the Morris Hall and sat around singing songs. We were all sad when the leader announced that we had to go to bed. In a way it was a good thing because we were all tired when we got in our rooms. And that was the end of our first day here at Nature's Classroom.


  1. Adriana,

    Thank you for that awesome post. After reading your blog and looking at the posted pictures, it seems all of you are having a wonderful, "crazy" time at Nature's Classroom.

    Please keep all of us informed on your adventures at Nature's Classroom.

    P.S. -- Tell Meaghan that her family said "hello".

  2. Adriana,

    I am so glad that you are having so much fun. Don't be too hard on yourself about the ORT--you have plenty of time to reduce the amount of food waste. Did the NC teachers challenge you by offering to jump in the lake?

    You had a beautiful night for the night hike--I am jealous!! Did you do the experiment with the Life Saver??

    I hope the weather is better up north than it is here. We had a fire drill this morning and we all froze and it looks overcast--like it could rain at any time.

    I look forward to reading more about your trip. We all miss you--

    Ms. Corigliano; Jordan P; Sara L; McKenzie B; Robert C; Miranda L; Hesan W

  3. Hey L.K. 6th graders, This blog is a great way for us parents to see what you guys are up to at Nature's classroom! Keep the entries and pictures coming! Hope you're all having a wonderful time!

  4. Hey Adriana great details!!! Glad your first day was so wonderful. Knowing you, your leading the group by now :) Tell Joey we said HI..


  5. Hello Lisha Kill 6th Graders!! Your blog is awesome and the pictures are wonderful! Tell Benjamin Furbeck his family says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Have fun and we'll keep checking the blog!

  6. Mr. Sedlar: I hope you find some ping-pong competition up there. I hear Ms. Moehler is pretty good!

  7. I'm so jealous of you guys!!! I miss Natures Classroom so much. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I went! You guys sound like your having fun. Enjoy every minute of it, it flies by very fast!!!

  8. i really hope you guys are having a great time. i miss all of my friends but before you no it they will be back. I hope you have a great time.

  9. hi Adriana i wish i was there but can you please do me a favor and tell emily r tyran b sarah d and ashley s i said hi hope you have fun peace.

  10. Great blog! Thanks for the details and the wonderful pictures. The night hike sounds awesome. Hope you all didn't get too badly soaked today.

    Please say hi to Jacob P. if you see him.

  11. Adriana and say hi to nicole b too

  12. Hi Adriana,
    Thank you for the details. I love hikes in the woods. Please tell Eric B Mom and Dad miss him but are so happy you are all having fun.
    Anne Blanchard

  13. Someone, anyone, please tell Andrea Bobersky her mom misses her like crazy, And loves her! glad to hear about such a great first day for all of you!!
    Jaime Bobersky

  14. Adrianna, wonderful post. I am glad you all go to see the big dipper!! Have a great time and just remember to take smaller portions!!

    Jennifer Mooney

  15. Adriana,

    Glad to hear you are all having so much fun!! The pictures are awesome. Tell Tiera we miss her like crazy. Have fun and be good.

    Theresa and TJ Gulum

  16. Hey Mr. DeMarco-we were just wondering if you're crying under a pine tree.....Scott is still IN and Megan is OUT!!! Miss you!

  17. Hey 6th Graders!

    Sounds like your having fun, how is Natures Classroom. We want to know who your counselors are? Wondering if Caveman is still there he was awesome and did everything so hopefully you got to hang out with him too. Have you guys done the things with the life savers?

    So that seems like a lot of ORT, but it was only for your first day, how have you been doing since that first day? We were able to get it down to 1lb by the last day that we were there.

    We all hope that you guys have a great last 2 days and we suggest that you get a lot of sleep tonight even though its your last night, you have a big day ahead tomorrow.

    Ms. Ferrara's Classroom
    (Ms. O'Neil, Mr. Mastroianni, Kim, Kyle, Chris, Jeff, Andrea, and Victoria)

    PS: We Miss you Ms. Ferrara!!!

  18. Wow, Adriana, John, Joey and Meghan have done a great job of summing up the events so far! We are having a blast! Everyone is really well behaved. Mr Sedlar named his group of students the "fuzzy bunnies" so Mrs Cerone and I named our girls the "wild wolves"... wolves eat bunnies...
    The children are doing a great job as far as the ORT goes! Some meals are a little tougher than others but they should be very proud of themselves... today for breakfast there was only a pound of ORT!
    Keep checking in, the children will be blogging again tonight!
    Thanks to all the parents for giving your children up to us for the week... they will come back different children (don't worry, it's all good!)
    Thank you to the boys and girls that are here right now for taking advantage of all this program has to offer!

    ~Ms. Ferrara

  19. hey adrianna-
    its gabby rogers can you do me a favor- tell Emily Rottingen, Taryn Blaabouer Jackie Rinialdi, and Ashley Sickles that i miss them and i cant wait until they come back thatnks i love yuor blog now i wih i went to natures classroom!!!!! well i have to o byee. and thankss!!
    -Gabby Rogers

  20. omg i mean thanks, not thatnks and your instead of yuor and go instead of o SORRY!!! byee -gabby


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